Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh man I don't know what I'll do

If the queers don't like me
If they consider me a bad bad man
Because I don't care whether they get it
I could hardly really give less of a damn

About their views about marriage
Because it's between a woman and a man
I'm not explaining anything to idiots anymore
I'd rather give them the back of my hand

I'd knock one down if he dared to enter
And interrupt my church's goings on
I'd hit him so hard he wouldn't know if
He was there or had already got up and gone

No son of mine will have a gay boy scout leader
That sick slick would find himself in one helleva fix
Not that he'd be able to pin it on anybody
No matter how many he knew of the ACLU tricks

He'd just have an accident
And that's all I'm going to say
I'm not in their masturbate debate club
They can just get the hell out of the way

He'd just have an accident in
My Marines my fire team my squad
He could section 8 scream it leavin
Lame flame game blame'n it all on God

And I wouldn't even care a little bit
I ain't putin up with it anymore
And believe me I wouldn't need to get caught
To relieve me of my guilt or to even out the score

I'd be as bright eyed as the day I was born
I'd be as innocent as a lamb
I've had enough of the no let ups on the sets up
I believe it's time for the rise of the

Hetero-sexual Northern Eurocentric man

9:28 pm
transcribed this time
10:48 am


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Great Scott

This is the time of the Jihad

This is the time of the Holy war
This is the time of the saviors
Who try to pretend they're not whores

Petty are the arguments
Revenge and self righteousness reign
To be insulted is the worst offense
Other than choosing to be insane

Minimizing by criticizing
But not allowing any hits back
Champions of the world
But only with their sneak attacks

Consider this offering here
Supposedly a stupid waste of time
How dare everyone not express alike
How dare uniqueness apply to the human mind

Man I hate the petty tyrants
And their go along squad
The only one equal to their opinion
Might be just might be God's

They don't have to prove anything
Insinuation is enough
Come on come on what's that other part
About when the going gets tough

11:06 pm
transcribed this time
11:42 am


Monday, March 02, 2009

Why do you subject yourself to people who act like assholes all the time

I like to kick bad guys in the nuts the knees the ribs
I like to fuck them up and completely ruin their day
Because I hate them for everything they do
And every stupid ass ridiculous thing they have to say

I like to psychological hurt the bullies of the world
I like to see real fear come up into their eyes
When I strip them of all their false front image
And expose all their manipulative selfish ignorant lies

Innocent people are hurt Good people suffer
Because fools have been gettin way to much slack
They're not really arguing points they're like poison
Or a scum bag tryin to stab you in the back

I subject myself to them because I have the skill
To turn all their bullshit around on them at times
I have the ability to actually hurt their souls
And put off balance their small petty weak minds

The whole world has gone half crazy
But there are still people of excellent quality and style
And for those individuals of effort toughness and courage
I am always willing to go that extra mile

You can succeed in many ways in this world
But nothing beats in some way making your enemy die
Nothing beats taking them down hard and then
Standing foot on his chest and raising your weapon

In Victory to the sky

9:41 pm
transcribed this time
9:49 pm
